This is a list of our most frequently asked questions. For more information, or to ask our staff additional questions, please contact us anytime.
Q - Why do I need physical therapy?
A - Physical therapy is prescribed by your physician to help you regain lost pain-free function following an injury, surgery, or a progressive medical condition such as arthritis, deconditioning, or diabetes. Your physical therapist will evaluate you and provide hands-on care, prescribing exercises to help you regain pain-free function. Physical therapy is also helpful for preventing falls to people at risk, enhancing sports performance, and preventing injuries to athletes.
Q - How long will my physical therapy sessions last?
A - The initial evaluation lasts approximately 45 to 60 minutes, depending on the complexity of the diagnosis. You’ll also receive a treatment on the first visit. Follow-up appointments typically vary in length as they’re dependent on your injury and the level of rehabilitation that’s required, but in general you can expect them to last between 45 and 75 minutes. There is no specific time limit for a physical therapy session.
Q - How long will I be coming to therapy?
A - This, too, depends on multiple factors. Your physician’s prescription gives an initial time frame for therapy. You’ll be continually assessed by your therapist during your visits, and he or she will provide additional recommendations based on how you’re progressing and whether you’ve met your function goals. Your insurance company may limit the number of visits they pay for. Communication between you and your therapist is very important for achieving your desired goals and working to get the most out of your therapy experience.
Q - How is my progress measured?
A - Your physical therapist performs a comprehensive evaluation that quantifies and qualifies all of the functional deficits by using standardized tests and measurements. You will be reevaluated every 30 days, or just prior to your follow-up consultation with your referring physician. At that point, we’ll perform a complete reevaluation, including those same tests and measurements from your initial evaluation. This new data is then compared to your baseline measurements to demonstrate both subjective and objective improvements. The continuation of your therapy will depend on the results of your reevaluation, insurance authorization, and physician approval. All reevaluations are sent to your referring physician prior to your follow-up consultation, so he or she will always be aware of your progress.
Q - Will I see only one therapist for all of my appointments?
A - Yes you can. However, many patients are happy to see two therapists in order to have more scheduling flexibility. It can also be valuable to have two therapists collaborate on your care and work together on your behalf.
Q - What will I be doing during my physical therapy sessions?
A - On your first visit, your physical therapist will complete a thorough evaluation and establish an individualized plan of care based on your specific needs. Physical therapists have a variety of skills at their disposal, including manual techniques, therapeutic exercises, and modalities. Most importantly, we educate you about your condition, including the healing processes and tactics you can use to prevent injury. We also help you establish an effective home program to supplement your in-office treatment. You can use this independently once your formal physical therapy program has been completed. In short, physical therapists rely on best practice skills and exercises taken from current scientific research, otherwise known as evidence-based practice.
Q - Am I going to be the only patient you’re treating while I’m at therapy?
A - No, our therapists treat up to three patients per hour. All patients receive one-on-one treatment time during every visit for manual therapy and to go over the specific exercises for your home exercise program. Your physical therapist may treat other patients while you’re performing your exercises.
Q - Do I need to do a home exercise program? How much time will this take?
A - Yes, a home exercise program is essential to helping you regain pain-free function. It can be done in about 15 minutes on a daily basis.
Q - How many physical therapy treatment sessions will I have?
A - Every patient’s diagnosis is different, so together with your referring physician, your therapist will develop a plan of care that’s right for you. Your plan of care and number of visits per week will be decided during your first visit.
Q - What level of education and training do physical therapists have?
A - Physical therapists have graduated from accredited post baccalaureate programs and passed their state board examination. Depending on the university, the physical therapy program is either a masters or clinical doctorate level degree. In a few years, all physical therapy programs will be graduating clinical doctorates.
Q - Will I have a copay for treatments, and do I need to pay it at the time of each of my visits?
A - Yes, most patients have either a copay or deductible, and we do ask that you pay it at the time of your visit. We will do our best to obtain information regarding your insurance benefits and out of pocket expenses, but we encourage you to check your benefits by contacting your insurance company as well.
Q - I have Medicare. How many visits of physical therapy am I allowed per year?
A - There is not a set number of visits that you are allowed by Medicare per year. Instead, it’s determined by medical necessity. There are a number of factors that must be present in order to prove medical necessity. First, there needs to be a significant functional loss that is being treated and is listed in the POC (plan of care). There must also be a significant measurable improvement in the patient’s condition that can be gauged not only by changes in strength and mobility, but also by recognized functional outcome tools. Patients need to improve their function week by week. Your physical therapist will keep you apprised of your progress, and will let you know when you’re getting close to the end of your episode of care as a result of meeting your treatment goals.
Q - What is my copay with Medicare?
A - As of 2021, the Part B deductible for Medicare is $203. Once you have met your annual deductible, Medicare will pay 80% of the amount allowed for each claim and the other 20% is your responsibility. If you have a secondary insurance, we’ll forward your 20% patient responsibility to them for consideration. You may still have to pay something after your secondary insurance pays us. For example, if Medicare allows $100 for your claim, Medicare will pay $80 and hold you responsible for the remaining $20. If you have a secondary insurance with a $10 copay, your secondary insurance will pay $10 and hold you personally responsible for the $10 copay.
Q - Will Medicare cover home health care and outpatient physical therapy at the same time?
A - If you’re receiving any type of home healthcare (like in-home physical therapy, home health aide, visiting nurse, wound care, or blood draws), Medicare will not pay for outpatient physical therapy. Once you’ve been discharged from home healthcare services, you will be eligible to receive outpatient physical therapy.
Q - What do I need to provide to the office if I was hurt at work and want workers' compensation insurance to pay for my therapy treatments?
A - If your treatment will be paid for by workers' compensation insurance, you’ll need to provide us with the insurance company’s name, claim number, injury date, your employer’s name and address, and your social security number at the time of scheduling your first appointment.
Q - Can I receive physical therapy treatments without a prescription? Will my insurance pay for my treatments?
A - After an evaluation, physical therapists can treat you for up to 10 visits or 30 days (whichever comes first) without a physician’s prescription. Our fee is $85 per visit. All insurance companies require a prescription from a physician in order to prove medical necessity and pay for your treatments.
Q - Should I expect to experience pain during or after physical therapy?
A - Depending on your condition, it isn’t uncommon to have some soreness after your session. The soreness should not last for more than a day. If it lasts longer, be sure to let your physical therapist know.
Q - When do I use hot or cold therapy?
A - Heat and cold are the two most common types of noninvasive and nonaddictive pain relief therapies for muscle and joint pain. Which one you should use depends on whether the pain is new, or recurring. In general, a new injury will cause inflammation and possibly swelling, which can be treated with cold therapy. Pain and stiffness that reoccurs can be treated with heat which will bring blood flow to the area and promote healing.
Q - I injured my shoulder six weeks ago. Why do I need to apply ice to it now?
A - Ice massage, with ice being applied directly to the skin, will decrease pain and the inflammatory response that occurs due to daily use. Your physical therapist will help you improve your range of motion and strength, which will decrease stress on the inflamed soft tissues. Your physical therapist will also tell you how and when to apply either heat or ice at home.
Q - What is the rotator cuff?
A - The rotator cuff refers to a group of four muscles and their tendons that collectively act to stabilize the shoulder. The names of these muscles are the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. These muscles play a vital role in shoulder function. A rotator cuff tear refers to an injury to any one of these muscles and/or their tendons. The supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons are the most commonly injured.
Q - My physician wants me to do core exercises. What does the core mean?
A - Core stability is a general term referring to strengthening your back and abdominal muscles, which control the spine while you’re standing and moving.
Q - In which hand do I hold my cane to support an injury to my lower extremity?
A - You use the cane in the opposite hand from the injured extremity.
Q - Do you sell some of the products that are used at the office during my treatment?
A - Yes, we do sell a wide variety of products used during your treatment that are not readily available in stores. Ask your treating therapist which ones would be most helpful for you to use for your home program.